The Benefits Of Personal Training In 2023

What are the benefits of personal training?

  1. Providing you with support and accountability to achieve your health and fitness goals to develop your confidence with exercise.

  2. Personal training will also help you learn correct form and technique giving you confidence with your exercise program.

  3. If you are new to exercise but lack the confidence to attend a busy commercial gym, my private personal training studio in Leamington Spa offers is the perfect place to develop confidence in a safe environment. My one-to-one personal training sessions are bespoke to you; I write a program to suit your goals and current abilities following the initial consultation.

  4. You may be a creature of habit when it comes to exercise, personal training will introduce you to new exercises you may have not done before decreasing the chance of boredom.

  5. One of the benefits of training with me is the added bonus of nutritional advice. As a qualified nutritionist, I will be able to support you with your nutrition during the sessions. If you require a deeper understanding and program for your nutrition this is an extra charge.

  6. Supports your mental health, there is profound research to show the benefits of personal training on your mental health. Exercise increases blood circulation to the brain, helping to reduce stress and improve mood and cognitive function.

  7. Personal training is great for improving fitness and building muscle.

Why do you need one-to-one personal training?

You may be feeling stuck and not getting anywhere with your health and fitness goals, constantly swapping between fitness and diet fads yet getting nowhere. Rather than wasting time on the hamster wheel and not getting anywhere investing in a specialist coach like myself will help you achieve your goals. No more guessing whether you are doing the right thing and no more giving up after a few weeks of trying. Many of my clients before working with me have tried all the fads going, they may have seen some success with weight loss in the early stages but soon after the weight has gone back on. This constant yo-yo dieting is what I educate my clients to avoid, this is not a healthy relationship with food and it’s pretty miserable if you always feel you are on a diet. It does not need to be that way. When working with me for personal training I will program you a simple plan, with simple actions you can implement into your day-to-day life with weekly accountability. Going through change is hard and there is always going to be resistance, investing in a personal trainer like me will keep you accountable during these struggles to keep consistent with your program to achieve your long-term goals.

Pregnancy and postnatal personal training

Whether you are expecting a baby or in the early postpartum period there is lots of conflicting information out there about what to do and what not to do during these special times in your life. As a mother of three, I completely understand that you want to feel confident, safe and empowered to exercise throughout your pregnancy and beyond. Pregnancy personal training will provide you with a changing program to support your changing body throughout the trimesters to prepare you for birth and beyond. Training for motherhood is essential, pregnancy personal training will keep your body strong to minimise pregnancy-related ailments such as backache and pelvic pain. Using my own experience and expert knowledge I will write you a bespoke program for your pregnant with a special focus on the core and pelvic floor.

Postnatal personal training is just as important if you want to return to exercise safely and reduce the chance of injury. Your body has gone through many changes throughout pregnancy which requires a specialist program in the postpartum period to build back strong. Postnatal personal training sessions are 45 minutes long and you are welcome to bring your baby with you. If you are very early stages of your postpartum period (6 weeks plus) I offer a 6-week core restore program. Click here to find out more about this.

Group personal training sessions

If you are wanting to train with friends or a partner group personal training sessions are the best option. Training with others is shown to improve motivation and consistency, a bit of healthy competition never hurt anyone. When it comes to group personal training sessions all I ask is that you are of similar abilities in order for the program to be suitable for everyone. For example, if you are pregnant or postpartum but want group personal training then it would be best to bring someone with you who is too pregnant or postpartum. Group personal training sessions are held at my private personal training studio in Leamington Spa and numbers are restricted to four at a time.

What personal training looks like

When signing up for my personal training sessions you can book either 30 minutes or 60 minutes from my private personal training studio. I offer early morning sessions and daytime sessions. When block booking 10 personal training sessions a discount is applied. You can find out more about the costs of personal training here. Please note if you are pregnant or postnatal these specialist sessions are charged at a different rate. Personal training sessions can also be done online via Zoom, which is great if you have little ones or do not live in the local area. I have clients all over the world that enjoy the benefits of my personal training sessions. Don’t let time or distance get in the way, online Zoom personal training sessions are just as beneficial as face-to-face.

Personal training for weight loss

Many women seek my services to achieve their weight loss goals. As part of all my personal training programs you will receive nutritional support if this is something you want, this is incorporated into your session. Each week I will weigh you and take a look at your food diary. If you are wanting more specific and in-depth nutritional support then I offer nutritional programming at an extra charge.

The benefits of online coaching in comparison

Online coaching is great for you if you are wanting a personal trainer but without the price tag. The main difference between online coaching and personal training is, with personal training, you are paying for the one-to-one personal training session each week whereas with online coaching you are supported every day.

Many women have reservations about online coaching; the biggest concern is motivation and accountability. “How am I going to get myself motivated to train on my own”. I see what you are saying, in the early days, you need support to create healthy habits, especially around fitness and nutrition. This is why online coaching is the perfect programme. Unlike personal training where you are paying for one or two sessions per week, in online coaching, you are paying for continuous accountability.

What I see with my personal training clients is during our pt session motivation is high, they leave with all these good intentions but by the time I see them again the following week they have slipped back into old habits. You see with online coaching this does not happen. All my online coaching clients are set daily step count and a hydration target (normally 2-3 litres of water per day). These are laid out on my Fit Mama Powered By Mari Carmen Fitness app. The app links to their Fitbit/Apple Watch if they have one with in-built food tracking so they can keep a close eye on their daily calories (which I also set). This gives me a lot of information in order to hold them accountable.

So how do they stay motivated to do the programmed workouts? Again, these are scheduled into their calendar on the app on days we have agreed they will exercise. If they are not done I will be able to see and check in to see if everything is ok. As you can see with online coaching the client is getting much more accountability and support.

Another key difference is the client has to check in each week with weight, photos, measurements and a simple questionnaire to fill out. I then look at all their stats, workout progress, and nutrition and then give feedback to the client.

If you are ready to start your health and fitness journey, get in touch today


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